
It is crucial for a company’s Accounts Payable (AP) department to be efficient as it can significantly impact your company’s financial health. Measuring and optimizing key performance indicators (KPIs) for Accounts Payable is crucial for maintaining smooth operations and improving overall business efficiency. In this blog, we will explore the top 10 Account Payable KPIs every company should measure to ensure they are on the right track towards financial success and operational excellence.

What is an Account Payable KPI?

An Account Payable KPI is a quantifiable measure that helps organizations track and assess the efficiency and effectiveness of their AP processes. These metrics provide valuable insights into the performance of the AP department, identifying areas for improvement and ensuring timely and accurate payments to vendors and suppliers.

Need for Account Payable KPIs

Implementing KPIs for Accounts Payable is important as they provide a clear picture of the department’s performance, highlighting strengths and weaknesses. KPIs also help in setting realistic goals and benchmarks, promoting accountability and continuous improvement. Lastly, they facilitate better decision-making by providing data-driven insights into the AP processes.

Top 10 Account Payable KPIs Every Company Must Measure

Top 10 Account Payable KPIs Every Company Must Measure

1. Invoice Processing Cost

This KPI calculates the total cost incurred to process an invoice. It can be calculated by dividing total AP Costs by the number of Invoices processed. It is important for cost management and identifying areas for cost reduction. Lower processing costs indicate a more efficient AP process. This KPI can be improved by Implementing automation and reducing manual interventions can lower processing costs.

2. Percentage of Supplier Discounts Captured

It measures the percentage of early payment discounts taken advantage of. It can be calculated by dividing the discounts captured by total discounts available. It indicates the effectiveness of cash flow management and the company’s ability to save costs. This KPI can be improved by improving invoice processing speed and optimizing cash flow can increase the percentage of discounts captured.

3. Invoice Approval Cycle Time

This checks the time taken to move an invoice through the approval process. It can be calculated by subtracting the date of Invoice Receipt from the date of Final Approval. It identifies hindrances in the approval process. Using workflow automation and ensuring clear approval hierarchies can shorten cycle times can improve the invoice approval cycle time.

4. Days Payable Outstanding (DPO)

This KPI measures the average number of days a company takes to pay its invoices. DPO indicates how well a company manages its cash flow and working capital. A higher DPO means the company is taking longer to pay its suppliers, which can be beneficial for cash flow but may strain supplier relationships. DPO can be improved by negotiating better payment terms with suppliers and optimizing cash flow management.
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5. Total Invoice Cycle Time

This Account Payable KPI measures the total time from receiving an invoice to completing the payment. It can be calculated by subtracting the date of Invoice Receipt from the date of Payment. This KPI assesses the efficiency of the AP process. A shorter cycle time indicates a more efficient process. Automating invoice processing and streamlining approval workflows can significantly reduce cycle time and can significantly improve this KPI.

6. Average Time to Approve an Invoice

It measures the average time taken to approve an invoice for payment. It is calculated by dividing the number of Invoices by the total Approval Time​ A shorter approval time reflects a more efficient AP process and can help avoid late payment. Streamlining the approval process and using digital approval systems can reduce the average approval time and improve the KPI.

7. Percentage of Late Payments

This KPI measures the proportion of payments made after the due date. It reflects the efficiency of the AP process and can impact vendor relationships negatively. It can be improved by enhancing the invoice tracking system and streamlining payment processes can reduce late payments.
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8. Error Rate in Payments

Check the percentage of payments that contain errors. High error rates lead to increased costs and strained vendor relationships. It can be improved by implementing rigorous checks and automating payment processes to reduce the error rate.
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9. Vendor Satisfaction

This KPI gauges the satisfaction level of vendors with the payment process. It is Typically measured through surveys or feedback scores. High vendor satisfaction is crucial for maintaining good relationships and favorable terms. Ensuring timely payments and clear communication can improve vendor satisfaction and keep a check on it.

10. Electronic Payment Adoption

This measures the percentage of payments made electronically. It indicates the level of modernization and efficiency in the AP process. Higher adoption rates usually lead to faster, more secure, and more cost-effective payments. This KPI can be improved by promoting the benefits of electronic payments and integrating electronic payment systems can increase adoption rates.
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How Enables Automated Accounts Payable Excellence

1. Generative AI-Driven Real-Time Invoice Processing harnesses the power of generative AI models to process invoices in real-time. This technology ensures that invoices are captured, interpreted, and processed swiftly, reducing delays and minimizing human errors.

2. Automated Approval Workflow

With’s automated approval workflow, invoices are routed to the appropriate personnel for validation and approval without manual intervention. This feature accelerates the approval process, ensuring timely payments and improving vendor relationships.

3. Three-Way Matching: PO, GRN, Invoice implements a robust three-way matching system that compares purchase orders (PO), goods receipt notes (GRN), and invoices. This ensures that all details align, significantly reducing discrepancies and enhancing the accuracy of your AP process.

4. Real-Time Analytics and Custom Reports

Gain insights into your AP performance with’s real-time analytics and custom reports. These tools provide comprehensive visibility into your AP metrics, enabling you to track KPIs, identify trends, and make informed decisions for better financial management.

5. Real-Time Validation Checks

During the invoice processing phase, performs real-time validation checks. This ensures that all data is accurate and compliant with your company’s policies and regulatory requirements, reducing the risk of errors and fraud.

6. Accessible Vendor Portal offers an accessible vendor portal that allows suppliers to submit invoices, track payment status, and communicate directly with your AP team. This transparency fosters stronger vendor relationships and enhances collaboration.

7. Smart Document Management

Managing a high volume of documents is effortless with’s smart document management system. It organizes, stores, and retrieves documents efficiently, ensuring that all necessary information is readily available when needed.

8. Seamless Integration with Multiple ERPs

Febi seamlessly integrates with many Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, ensuring a smooth flow of data across your organization. This integration eliminates the need for manual data entry and reduces the risk of errors, enhancing overall efficiency.

By leveraging’s advanced AP automation solutions, you can transform your accounts payable processes, ensuring they are efficient, accurate, and compliant. Embrace the future of AP with and experience a significant boost in productivity and financial control.


Measuring these top 10 account payable KPIs can significantly enhance a company’s AP department’s performance and, in turn, your company’s financial health. By focusing on these key metrics, a company can streamline your processes, reduce costs, and build stronger relationships with your vendors. Start implementing these KPIs today to drive efficiency and success in your Accounts Payable operations.

Need to automate your Account Payable, ensure timely payments and improve supplier vendor relationships? Try Febi ai, a one stop solution for all your accounting problems!

Book a Live Demo today!


1. What are Accounts Payable KPIs?
Accounts Payable KPIs are metrics that evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization's AP processes. They help track performance, identify areas for improvement, and ensure timely, accurate payments.
2. Why should companies measure Accounts Payable KPIs?
Measuring Accounts Payable KPIs provides a clear picture of AP performance, highlights strengths and weaknesses, promotes accountability, and aids in better decision-making.
3. How does automating AP processes help in improving KPI performance?
Automating AP processes reduces manual errors, speeds up invoice processing, and ensures timely payments. Tools like streamline workflows and provide real-time analytics, enhancing KPI outcomes.
4. What is the most critical KPI for Accounts Payable?
Days Payable Outstanding (DPO) is crucial as it measures the average time taken to pay invoices, indicating cash flow management efficiency.
5. How can enhance AP KPI tracking and performance? improves AP KPI tracking with AI-driven invoice processing, automated workflows, real-time analytics, and seamless ERP integration. For comprehensive AP automation and improved KPI performance, try Book a live demo today!